5 Minimalists To Follow On Youtube

5 Minimalists To Follow On Youtube

It is 2020 and we stan ourselves some conscious vloggers. Are you new to the whole idea of minimalism and searching for some content, inspiration, or quick tips on the same? We researched for 5 Minimalists To Follow On Youtube. Youtube is a platform for endless channels covering various kinds of content ranging from- sustainable living to capsule wardrobe to quality videos on self-care, minimalism, and going green.

Amidst this variety, you often get confused and end up being lost in this whole different kind of world. If you’re new to the concept of minimalism you might want to check out some inspiring vloggers on YouTube to channel your inner minimalist.

This is the reason why I am curating this list of 5 different YouTube channels that showcase how minimalism works differently in different people’s lives. So here’s 5 Minimalists To Follow On Youtube:


When you search minimalism on YouTube, Matt D’Avella channel is surely to pop amongst the top search results. Matt D’Avella is a filmmaker, YouTuber, podcaster who is the creator of award-winning documentary Minimalism. He is also the host of The Ground Up Show, a weekly podcast which features interviews with inspiring industry leaders.

He has a sharp eye for cinematography and editing which is very well reflected in his work. He is known for his professional, quality videos about minimalism and mindful living which connects with the viewer. His videos are frank, refreshing and compels the viewer to reassess his life choices.


Watch the minimalists for getting answers to all your questions about minimalism and becoming a minimalist. This channel is run by Joshua Fields Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus. They both are starred in “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things” directed by Matt D’Avella.

The documentary followed their journey from being stuck in the corporate world with the mindset of accumulating more money and possessions for prestige. While both of them were successful in the traditional sense, they were not happy.

Sooner, they came to a realization that no amount of material possessions can guarantee us happiness and well-being. This when they both jumped on board with a new mindset towards a life in which their only focus was on things which truly matter to them i.e. minimalism.

Their videos go beyond the topic of minimalism to health, dealing with breakups, health etc. They have also given a TED Talk entitled “A Rich Life With Less Stuff” which inspired millions of people around the globe.


Jenny Mustard is a fashionista, vegan food blogger, a feminist and a minimalist who has created her self-titled fashion and lifestyle blog which aims to help a minimalist live a maximal life. She is of Swedish descent but has also lived in London, Berlin and Stockholm. She runs her blog along with her fiancé and long-term partner David Mustard.

On her YouTube channel she creates videos about vegan food, health and fitness ideas, fashion inspos and a minimalist lifestyle. Her videos are very aesthetic, appealing to eyes and speaks volume about issues which affect us on a daily basis.

The Girl Gone Green

This channel is run by Manuela Baron who is very much passionate about sustainability and environment. She chooses to live an intentional low waste, minimal and plant based life. Bringing her channel’s content from her home town in Florida to across the world; she is on a mission to practice zero waste living regardless of where she is at.

On her channel she gives practical tips and encouragement and zero waste living along with educating people to be the best versions of themselves. She wants to create a conscious community and believes in doing more of the things which she actually loves.

Her videos are mostly centered around sustainable gift ideas, grocery stores haul, low waste lifestyle, journey towards veganism, DIY recipes etc.


Her channel is famous for promoting capsule wardrobe and ethical fashion inspiration. If you don’t know the meaning of capsule wardrobe I’d like to tell you in the words of Rector, a capsule wardrobe is “a mini wardrobe made up of really versatile pieces that you totally love to wear.”

A capsule wardrobe is made up of clothes you already own and new clothes you can buy every season. It should have between 25-30 pieces which include clothing, shoes, and accessories.

On her channel, you can find outfits inspo, try-on hauls, knowledge about hair, makeup, and fashion essentials, and lastly, capsule wardrobe inspiration.


So, that was my top 5 pick amongst thousands of sustainable and intentional living vloggers. All of these YouTubers are known for making top-notch and engaging content for their audiences. Now, all you need to go and watch them, expand your horizons, and step into the world of minimalism.

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Featured image courtesy: Canva

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